Happy Friday 5 – Don’t Sweat the Petty Things
Happy Friday 5 – Don’t Sweat the Petty Things – Quote I’m pondering, What I’m contemplating, What I’m meditating to, What I’m sleeping with, Who I wish I was sleeping with.
But, wait! There's more...Happy Friday 5 – Don’t Sweat the Petty Things – Quote I’m pondering, What I’m contemplating, What I’m meditating to, What I’m sleeping with, Who I wish I was sleeping with.
But, wait! There's more...I am not brave in my own admission; it took me over a year to finish this post. Many famous, and far better writers have divulged their own personal struggles. I am not jumping on the bandwagon, not trying to be one of the crowd. It is their own bravery that has given me the strength to admit this, to tell you out there in internet land, how I feel, and share some of the struggles I’ve been too ashamed to write about. If it offers comfort to someone else to know they are not alone, that’s all the better. Then this will have been for something useful.
But, wait! There's more...Being wrongly accused has been a running theme in my life for the last few months or so: Family, boss, good friends all accusing me of the most bizarre things.
But, wait! There's more...Train and Tumbleweed An Ode to the Southwest Never did I think I’d see, Such a plethora of tumbleweed. By north or south or west or east, Far and wide lies the hearty beast. Tumbleweeds cover the desert land, So many so, they’re out of hand. For hundreds … But, wait! There’s more…
Holy heart failure Batman! I joined an exercise Boot Camp. In case you don’t know, Boot Camps are a hardcore outdoor exercise program where they run you backwards up hills, and make you do backwards pushups and a ton of squats and other evil stuff. There’s also a strict diet … But, wait! There’s more…
O Hai Interwebz! Dis iz also da guest post frum da kitteh. Member meh? Shur yu do! Mai hooman offen talkz abot meh, an now I iz gunna be yur nu favorit blogger! Dis iz mai first post. (Editor’s note: The following is a holiday letter from my cat (and … But, wait! There’s more…
Ahh, what a lovely day. (UPDATED: This should say “week”.) Ok, I’m lying. Totally fucking lying. (I apologize for the cussing, but sometimes only a cuss word will do. There are more, just so you know. I probably have that cussing disease today, you may want to leave now.) You … But, wait! There’s more…
What a wonderful way to spend a Memorial Day: Riding on a Harley, to a National Monument, and a BBQ with family. All with the complete sense of freedom and safety. This post is on the serious side, folks, but I feel the need to describe to you what I … But, wait! There’s more…
We interrupt the regularly scheduled post to bring you… well, this. First, let me just say I did not write this. I wish I had, but I didn’t. The following was sent via email by a friend… If you are 40, or older, you might think this is hilarious. When I … But, wait! There’s more…
Car Shows, Riding on a Harley, Fried Artichokes, and fresh, hot Cinnamon Rolls! What an amazing weekend it’s been! I’ve been out showing my friend from Meeneesooota the sights and it’s been an tour of the senses. That’s partly why I haven’t been around much. Like anyone’s noticed. (I can’t … But, wait! There’s more…