How it all started.

One might assume someone embarking on their first trip around the country in their first RV would have a plan. One would be wrong because someone does not have a plan.

I’m flying without a net, people. And it’s great!

What do I know? I’ve had a life-long dream to travel the country and see all the goofy sights like The Largest Ball of Twine, The Largest Frying Pan, The Mutter Museum, Route 66, The Cadillac Ranch, and many, many other ‘Uniquely Odd’ attractions listed on I also wanted to see The Grand Canyon.

But the time never seemed “right”. There was always some obstacle to be overcome, to borrow a line from Alfred D. Souza’s poem Happiness. (A copy of which sits on my RV dash.)

In 2011 I decided to stop waiting for everything to be perfect, for every detail to be determined, for (fill in the blank). I got rid of my apartment, most of my stuff, and bought an RV. I’m now living in it full-time as I travel the country with my cat, the RV copilot who can’t read maps – yet, or catch mice or giant cockroaches. (See July, 2012 Great RV Rollabout Itnierary for update on Checkers.)

There’s so much to learn, and I’m having so much fun doing it! No plans are set in stone – the true meaning of taking “One Day At A Time”. I only know that life is too precious not to be enjoyed. I also hope to meet many of my friends (old and new) and fellow bloggers on the road!

(Have I convinced you to get an RV and travel the country, too? Great! Tips on buying a used RV and Lessons in Boondocking might be helpful. No guarantees.)