It snowed in Minnesota, dontcha know.
While I have posted since this trip to the frozen tundra, I am more than a bit behind in posting some trips in chronological order. In all honesty, it was about two years ago I went to St Paul and I have about two years of sightseeing posts to catch up on. So, without further ado…
It was a crisp, cold day in St. Paul, Minnesota, the kind where the air is so clear that you can see for miles. And there was nothing to do – all. day. long. It was f’n cold out, too cold to go outside for long. And that was almost the only notable part of the trip.
I had tagged along on a business trip of Jeff’s, some big annual chicken convention. Er, I should say “poultry” convention if I want to be fancy about it. But I don’t. It was a chicken convention. I had hoped some of his coworker’s wives would come, but none of them were as dumb interested in attending the chicken convention as I was. Apparently, they had been to one before. One is enough.
We were only there for three days, and I can amuse myself just about anywhere. Day one consisted of eight hours of sitting in the hotel room. No, really. I. didn’t. leave. the. room. once. in eight hours. Just working on my computer, I spent the day in blissful peace and uninterrupted quiet, except for the TV and the occasional knock on the door from room service.
You may be wondering why I didn’t go to the big mall. The Mall of the Americas, kind of on my bucket list, was too far away by cab ride to make it worth the trip. I didn’t feel like going by cab and by myself just to see a mall. In the snow.
However, the highlight of the trip was a brisk – and chilly – walk around the neighborhood. Those of you who’ve followed this blog, know how much I love ornate churches. Oddly, I’m not religious. I admire the churches for the amazing works of art which they are. Art inside of art inside of art. That, and they all have a wonderful, peaceful energy about them.
Today, I present the Cathedral of St. Paul: 43,500 square feet of gilded opulence. And some bunny foot prints. Everyone say it with me: SLIDESHOW!
After the walk to the church, we stopped to admire the mighty Mississippi – and saw some bunny footprints! Bonus slideshow!
Good article! I really love how it is simple on my eyes and the data are well written. I’m wondering how I might be notified when a new post has been made. I have subscribed to your RSS which must do the trick! Have a great day!
I am guessing you are still in Minnesota, in your hotel room, with a chicken.
Hi D.B.! Actually, I’m just terribly behind on posts. I’m in the southeast, with weather vacillating between hot and humid to cold and rainy. Every day is different, but it is finally cooling off. No chickens – unless less-than-brave cats count.