
Online Dating: I’m Taking the Plunge. Help. — 16 Comments

  1. Have met a ton of women who are very good at whitewashing the fence, but the wood was rotten. I would work with the intro, and remove half of the love parts. Everyone knows what dating people want. avoid references to sex. Everyone knows we all want sex. Unless they want money. Some want money lol. What i found over time was half the people on match or more are also on the sex pool site, looking for one nighters and then on match or POF playing the upstanding citizen. So make a blank account at AFF, passion etc. its all the same data warehouse regardless of the name. then cross check everyone. If you get serious about someone, pay for a background check and a web search. There are a lot of people with violent pasts that cycle through all the dating sites. But last of all download Blendr onto your phone. You have to verify, but its nice for office waits or just chatting and meeting new people. copy and past the same intro etc onto there. Post a good photo or two and date them. Nothing is worse than a first meeting and finding out their photo is 15 yrs old. Most important: Just be yourself. If that’s not good enough now, it wont be in the future, and you dont need someone who picked you because of some bit of ad or polish thats not you.

  2. I agree that you should remove references to having sex, because for many, once they see that, the rest is lost, and they assume they can roll you into bed immediately.

    I may be an anomaly, but when I used Match, I pored over every sentence to try to construct who the person was.

    • Yeah, I agree. That’s one of the reasons I felt that first part was never going to make it as a profile.

      Glad to hear some men are interested in reading the whole profile! Thanks, Bluz, that’s good info.

  3. I first suggestion would be to drop the “to make” love body and soul to “love body and soul” for me it’s advertizing you want to get laid, while getting laid isn’t a bad thing, it’s having creeps who think that is all you want. Skip the panic and anxiety, let them figure that one out later. My husband had the joy of finding out I was bipolar along with, but he did get warned that I had days I didn’t like being around me much less expect anyone else too.

    for the profile: (edits on what you have)

    I like traveling, exploring and adventures of all kinds. Interested in romance, long term relationship and possible marriage. If that doesn’t scare the one night stands there is not to much that will.

    honest, curious, passionate, compassionate, affectionate, funny and smart… looking for same.

    As for the picture? while I have met my husband on line (13 years of marriage) I didn’t meet him on one of the date sites…(it was a site for single and sober people trying to figure out how to meet someone in a world that didn’t include a 151 and coke) The picture I sent him of my was one of the worst that I could have had, my brother took it of me when I was sick with the flu, wearing my favorite pair of stained faded sweats. Hair all over the, for you though I would recommend something that is not too sexual, maybe a candid shot someone took of you. Have you looked at the different RV sites and seen if they have a singles list? some of them do although I can’t remember which ones. Good luck with your search, remind them up to date pictures, if you can’t tell it’s them from a distance, you don’t need to be having a drink with them, I knew exactly what mine was suppose to look like, any thing less, would have been a “see ya”

    • Yeah, like I said in the post, I knew that whole piece did not make the cut as a profile.

      You really think I should nix the panic stuff? Some men freak out at the first sign of it, and I’d rather weed them out now and not waste my time. Sadly, the reference to an LTR has never deterred the ones looking for a hookup. *sigh* That’s what made me wonder if guys even read it.

      The pic you posted sounds hilarious! I’m looking for crappy ones of me to use: causally dressed, carrying water-weight, and having a bad hair day.

      I am a member of one of those RV singles sites, but there’s not much dating that happens with us all being spread out around the country. What’s that single and sober one called? I’m long done with practicing alchies.

  4. As another single RVer, I’ve Been following your blog for a time, and I’ll be interested in knowing how your new jaunt with on-line dating goes.
    So post full reports :).
    We RVers are often unique enough to not fit in the pre-conceived “shopping list mantra” that on-line dating seems to require.
    The whole concept of: you must fit in this box, she must fit in that one , that dude with this ip address must fit in this funky one, It just has not ever worked for me.
    I’ve never found that real-connection is about an algorithm trying to match a wish-list in bullet text. Heck, even AI-bots I’ve built for fun with AIML code evolve out of that “fit in a box” stuff when their base personalty forms.
    I know some that have made the online dating thing work. I’m still way curious as to how.!? Your blog is in my feeds , so looking forward to the full report 🙂

    • Hi, TravelFables! Thanks for reading and posting a comment. By the way, great photos on your site. (Great email handle, too 🙂
      Yes, it is such a unique lifestyle we lead, it is a bit harder to find a compatible mate – with an RV compatible lifestyle. *sigh*
      I, too, know many who’ve met and married online. I’ve tried the online dating thing in the past, with humorous results. I want that special someone to share this great journey with. Well, if not a great romance, I suspect I’ll find blog fodder. LOL

  5. Welllllllllllllll, for one it’s really hard to imagine you having to go on a web site to find someone, as i have known you, i fell for you the moment i saw you but our life’s were on different paths. But i suggest(and only a suggestion,LOL) oh what the heck i really can’t even suggest. Your a big girl and seemed and are very smart, witty, beautiful, and any man would be blessed to with you. So my profile would be, ” Hi, i am just me and guess you would have to meet me to find out” LOL but hey that’s the way i am. Remember, Keep It Simple. Remember the path and share it with someone on that same path.

    • Richard, you are a sweetheart!! You warm my heart! 🙂
      I’m almost ready with a profile to post. You’re not the first person to say keep is simple. I need to trim it a bit before posting.
      I hope our paths do cross again! xo

  6. I would love to read something a little more YOU. your sense of humor and adventure. Less about what you’re looking for, and more about what you have to give… which is A LOT. I agree with Richard, that any guy who meets you is amazingly lucky to get to know you.

    Then I would warn them they’ll have to pass the bipolar kitty test. Don’t tell them what it is, though. Just that you’ll let them know if they pass. LOL. Keep em on their toes. 🙂

    Good luck! And happy new year!

    • Thank you, Kathy! YOU are amazing and Mark is a lucky guy!

      Ok, I’ll add more about me, and will mention the lucky chosen ones will have to pass the “Bipolar Kitty Test”! LOL Well, that sure oughta narrow down the respondents to only the most serious!! HAHAHAA

      Thank you, and Happy New Year to you and yours!

  7. thanks xoxoxoxo just one more advice or maybe two or etc etc LOLOL just joking, remember the first three stairs. :):):):):):) yes prayerfully in my travels this summer while playing music we shall meet. God Bless.

  8. Pingback:Online Dating: The Profile - Kernut the Blond

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