The Life of Pye: Puss in boots, one year later.
It’s been a year since Pye appeared on my doorstep. A year of learning about relationships, for both of us. Yes, I’m referring to my cat as if she’s a person. If you’re new here, please see the tag line under the title of this blog for the explanation.
We’re going to skip what I’ve learned about relationships this past year or so; I’ll save that for another time. Let’s move on to Pye for now, shall we?
What we’ve all learned about Pye in the last year:
We learned that Pye doesn’t sleep, and keeps me up at night.
We learned Pye likes to drink from my water cup. I don’t like this because I know where her tongue has been.
We learned Pye doesn’t know what to do with a live fish. She likes to think she’s wild, but she’s not. Not even a little.
We learned that Pye will run away in a moment of panic (gee, I have NO idea what that’s like), but will return 30 hours later.
We learned Pye has a foot fetish. Apparently, she has a boot fetish as well. Hey, I like cowboy boots, too, but don’t you think Pye is taking it a bit far?

“Kitteh luv dat boot.” (These photos are crappier than usual because I used my cell phone. YES, that’s my excuse.)
I have a “no shoes on in the RV” kind of carpet. These boots were not next to my bed. Not that I wouldn’t mind a pair next to my bed. Just sayin’.
And now we learn:
Pye likes kid’s TV movies. Ranger Rick lends me some of his Netflix movies. One in particular sounded cute, but maybe like it was a kid’s movie. It was about small wild animals: birds, squirrels, rabbits, etc. It was only twenty minutes long, and not gory, so I figured I’d give it a shot. During the last two minutes of the movie, Pye began watching the little animals running around on the screen. She wouldn’t take her eyes from it, so I replayed it. She stared at the TV, then tried to get closer to it.

Pye trying to catch animals on TV. This explains a lot about why she was starving before arriving on my doorstep half starved.
Pye likes to hunt the screen saver. It’s cute… and probably why she’s not good at hunting for food.
Pye likes puzzles. She like to help me put them together by laying on the puzzle. She also likes to eat puzzle pieces. I don’t think that’s as helpful as she thinks it is.
That’s what we all know about Pye. What has Pye learned? She’s not saying, but I can guess:
She’s learned she’d rather be outside at night than inside trying to wake me up. She’s learned catching kibbles is easier than catching bugs and minnows. She’s learned that puzzles pieces are fun to play with. And she’s learned that cowboy boots are made for loving.
Pingback:The Life of Pye: Two Cures for Cat-induced Sleep Deprivation - Kernut the Blond
Of course she likes your footwear… You never heard of Puss in Boots?
She is Puss in Boots! Loves my flip-flops and stinky sneakers.
It might be a good thing she’s not interested in bugs and tad poles, Squeek is a mouser, will go outside, catch a bird, a bug, a reptile, and bring it to me still alive. There is nothing like waking up in the middle of the night and stepping on bird parts, or watching a mouse escape in the house. Then there is the lizards tail, still twitching dropped ever so nicely on your foot.
Eeeeww!! Lizard tail on the foot!! Not good. I used to have two cats that would hunt in unison. They often caught squirrels and mice that way. Unlike Squeek, they wouldn’t let me near the poor thing so I could rescue it! They’d drag it under the deck and eat it! My sister’s cats would hunt snakes when she lived in Colorado. The very first time they brought one home, and laid the black snake on the white carpet she thought it was a kids toy. She went to pick it up – and stopped just before she realized it was real!!
Harley can’t get out here, because I live in an enclosed complex. She makes do with what’s in the house. Has always been obsessed with plastic grocery sacks. Licks ’em, nuzzles ’em, lies on ’em, and if there aren’t any out, pesters me crazy. I call them her “joy bags.” So, there are usually some adrift on the floor. I can’t open the door without it looking like I’m some awful slob. Embarrassing, if someone’s within sight range. Hey, blame it on the cat! (Yeah, sure.)
LOL! I have odd cat toys scattered about my living room floor, too. Pye gets bored with any toy after a while, and then moves on to looking for another toy. Her latest favorite “toy” is a small cardboard box that used to contain tea packets. She LOVES the little cardboard box almost as much as she loved those boots above! It’s barely big enough to fit her head, but she shoved her head in the other night. It was the cutest thing! I grabbed my camera, but wasn’t fast enough. It would’ve made a hilarious photo!