
What Am I Doing? Everyone I Can and The Weak Ones Twice. — 4 Comments

  1. Okay…as a lesbian I totally didn’t see that sexual inference with the hot dog at first. Then I started reading and went back to it. Cool, lol.

    Yeah for the Flirty parts, Boo on the Hackers, Yeah on the Date/s. And thanks for the Hacker/Bloggy link too 🙂

    • LOL! That’s so funny that you didn’t get that reference right away.

      You’re welcome! I hope it’s useful! (The bloggy link, not the hot dog. But you knew that.)

  2. That picture made me LMAO! I miss going on dates. Come to think of it: my husb and I did not really date date. We went from being buddy buddy good friends to boom… cough cough. So I guess it’s kind of my own fault… hehehe.

    • I love that picture and keep staring at it. I don’t know why. Maybe I’m hungry.

      Hey, there’s no reason hubby can’t take you out on dates now! In fact, he totally should. Romance is good stuff. 😉