
The Rain In Spain Falls Mainly… — 5 Comments

  1. I love Spain. One day… when I’m rich and famous (ha ha) I will move there. I just love Madrid. I love Alicante. I love Granada. Girl… I could go on for hours. What a beautiful experience to have. Torrevieja is lovely too 🙂 What a nice trip to have.

    .-= Annah´s last blog ..Enter The World of Online Dating =-.

  2. I’m looking forward to the next installment!! 🙂 I haven’t been to Spain. I do get to meet up with some great guys from Madrid each year when they come in for the week of derby. They even met all of us in Mexico one year for our trip to Mexico, which was nice of them, since they were kind of slumming it. LOL

    All of my posts are technically too long, but, so are my comments. Le’sigh. I never go over 1000 words.
    .-= Wicked Shawn´s last blog ..When I Finally Get Excited About Class =-.

  3. Annah – I didn’t get to spend any time in Madird (other than the airport), and very little in Alicante. I wasn’t thrilled with Torrevieja, but I loved Cartegena! But you live in Miami – Florida is beautiful! I would live there over Spain any day! I missed the abundance and convenience we have in the US. I didn’t realize how spoiled we are! Yes, the food left much to be desired.

    Wicked – Thanks sweetie! LOL My comments are too long, too. I try to keep it under 1000 words, too. The facilitator of the group, who makes a living off his blog, was all about the 150 word post. Yikes! Just my exclamations are 150 words 🙂 This post was just over 500, but I would have taken it to about 900 before starting pt 2. Most pros I’ve read say 450-750, not less than 250 or more than 1250.

  4. Pingback:The Plane to Spain - Kernut's World