
The Birds, The Bees, and Pigeon Porn — 10 Comments

  1. I hope you’ve had “the birds and the bees” talk with Checkers! (Are her little eyes bugged out by the time you get home?)

    • M: She was watching almost as intently as I. LOL I’ve raised a pervert.

      Pete: Hmmm, would that be bad? Other than the smell of course, it might be interesting. But I hear horses need ummm “assistance”. People get paid to assist them. Uh hem.

  2. People actually gather around to watch horses. It’s quite a spectacle. Don’t look at me like that, I live in KY. No, before you ask, I have never gone to a breeding party, but I have been invited. I had a scheduling conflict. 🙁
    .-= Wicked Shawn´s last blog ..WTF? WTH? What The What? =-.

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