
Holy Flying Vampires, Y’all! The bugs are big in Texas. — 4 Comments

  1. We Texans are pretty a stereotypical lot, but there are exceptions. I’ve lived here most of my life and guess I’ve been aware of the bugs, but they really haven’t bugged me all that much. Skeeters in teh mountains of Colorado are bigger, and in Alaska you might mistake one for one of the air taxis.

    As for your other points, red meat is what’s for dinner but I do love my veggies… I don’t smoke but have been known to take a chew of Redman. I also recycle and use reusable grocery bags.

    Wouldn’t have it any other way.

    • I feel like a stereotypical Californian: Fish, veggies, and not too many carbs. And I like to recycle, but haven’t had the opportunity since I left California. All grocery stores were converting to paper bags only. Couldn’t get plastic.

      Here, I get one plastic bag for every two items I buy. No paper in sight. All the potlucks are BBQs. I brought a tuna salad to one, but only two people (out of 60) tried it. No veggies at the parties, either. Maybe some cut veggies now and then. It’s a very different world.

  2. My ex was very attractive to mosquitoes, so I tried to stay near him when they were around – they’d bite him instead of me.

    I’m a non-smoking fish and veggies person, too, and a recycler. And not from California.

  3. Pingback:Bugzilla, my new roomate. - Kernut the Blond