
Sex And The City 2 – Movie Review — 5 Comments

  1. I couldn’t agree with your dad more… This movie isn’t worth your $12.00 in theater. It’s redbox worthy for $1.00 when it’s a rental!

  2. Support local independent movie stores, yo! No more Redbox and Netflix. Otherwise, I totally, sadly agree. I think the basic problem was the first movie was written like a movie, with movie moments. This one was written like an episode of the series, then there was a lot of filler thrown in to stretch it out to movie length. Broke my heart.
    .-= Wicked Shawn´s last blog ..I Accept That I Am An Average Person =-.

  3. Jamie – This seems to be the general consensus.

    Wicked – I wasn’t even a fan of the show, personally. They just seemed to let their whole lives be focused on men: finding them dating them, being in a relationship with one when they found him, or just getting laid. Everything in their world seemed to be centered on men, as if they somehow weren’t enough on their own.

  4. I think it depends on how you viewed it. As a regular viewer, the thing I liked was the fact that the male relationships were the peripheral ones, it was the friendship of the 4 women that remained a constant throughout the entire series and both movies.
    .-= Wicked Shawn´s last blog ..I Accept That I Am An Average Person =-.

  5. Wicked – I never thought about it like that. I’m probably just bitter about having spent too many of my own years obsessing over whether or not I was in a relationship 🙂