Tales From the RV Park: A Pod of Pelicans
This is another episode of Tales From the RV Park, stories from the RV parks where Iβve camped. Disclaimer: These stories are fictitious, happened in nightmares, are hearsay, and/or are what others recounted to me. I am part Irish, so there is likely a good deal of exaggeration. The names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent. There is no relation to persons living, dead, or in jail, even if you think so. In other words, donβt bother trying to sue me. This post is about birds, flowers, and sunsets; it doesn’t need a disclaimer.
Your “learn something new” for today: A group of pelicans is called a pod. The group can also be called a squadron. The title of this post was chosen for no reason other than “A Pod of Pelicans” sounded more catchy than “A Squadron of Pelicans”. Plus, I had recent photos and video of pelicans. So today, pelicans – and a new word. You’re welcome.Β

A pod of pelicans.
A migrating pod of American White Pelicans landed on the lake a couple evenings ago. (This is the lake where I’m currently parked in the wee town I call Pizzaville.)

American White Pelicans on the lake.
It’s moments like this that make up for the Texas storms. Kinda. The video below shows about two hundred pelicans landing on the lake.
The Texas state bird is not the pelican, but the northern mockingbird (not pictured). Huh, I always thought the Texas state bird was the mosquito.
The wildflowers are blooming all over Texas Hill Country right now…

Wildflowers: Texas Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush (I think).
The Texas state flower is the bluebonnet. Many things are named after the bluebonnet (ie: ice cream company, car dealerships, festivals).
To my friends in California: You may notice how the bluebonnet looks just like lupine, the purple flower commonly seen growing alongside the California poppy. Well, bluebonnets are lupine. You see, this is Texas, and everything is different here, as if it was another country. Some still think it is.

My spot on the lake.
A big Thank You! to all who wondered where I’ve been the last few weeks. I am recovering well from my surgery, despite some very minor complications. (Who knew ‘dissolving stitches’ don’t always dissolve? I’m hoping she used the right kind of thread!) The doctor gave me the OK to start working out again, and I’ve been doing that… I’m determined to keep my new (renewed?) skinny figure.
I haven’t been here, but I haven’t been anywhere else really, either. I’ve been busy – doing what, I don’t know – but I haven’t had time to do any of the writing I so love. The recent Texas-sized storms have kept me up at night (don’t know why the rotten things can’t ever show up in the daytime)… any free moments instantly become nap time to make up for lost sleep. So for the recent Anniversary of My 29th Birthday I did nothing. Absolutely nothing. And it was lovely.

A Texas sunset.
I know a few Texans who feel like you do, but the lightning and strong winds scare the begeezus out of me. Maybe I spent too many years sleeping through earthquakes.
I imagine storms are a lot scarier when your abode doesn’t have walls sunk into the ground.
Yes, Bluz, I’m sure that’s a contributing factor. The wind can rock the RV and the noise is easier to hear through the walls.
Have been in a couple of storms, while not in TX it was scary enough, thought a couple of times that it was going to blow the RV over. That’s cool how the Pelican’s ball up like that, have you ever seen the Hitchcock movie called the Birds? Those Pelican’s might have sent you running for cover.
We’ve got another little one blowing through right now, in the middle of the night. The days are usually nice, but storms suddenly roll in and out during the night.
Oh yes, I’ve seen The Birds many times! James Stewart and Tippy Hedren. Great movie!
Glad you are pretty much back to normal!
Normal is such a broad term, perhaps we should go with ‘healthy’. I’ve been working out every day, eating healthy, getting a tan. Someone who’s been a fellow park resident for months didn’t recognize me. Heck, if I wasn’t standing in my own house (RV), looking in my own mirror, I might not recognize me either! π
Happy birthday π
Thank you, Coop! π