Stonehenge In Texas? There are also some big stone heads.
Big stone heads.
If you say it fast, you may think it’s a reference to tall pot-smokers. But this is a drug-free blog.
And the stone heads are in Texas, where everything is big. I don’t know why everything is big in Texas, but it may have something to do with the size of the state. The state is HUGE so everything else probably needs to be larger just to look proportionate.
So someone decided to duplicate the Easter Island heads. Yeah, I know that’s a weak segue.
Why? Gees, why do you ask me the tough questions? How am I supposed to know these things? I just go look at this stuff and stick my fingers in the giant stone nose of the giant stone head.
Wait, what?? This is what I mean….
Here’s another big stone head…
Side note to see who’s paying attention: Are those breasts with nipples? On the statue! Gees, I’m not even in this photo.
There is a Stonehenge II in Texas.
Somehow, the stadium lights in the background kind of ruin the look for me. Do they do that for you, too? For the sake and feel of authenticity, I want this sculpture to be away from modern-day technology.
But I want my cell phone to work while I’m there. Just saying, you can take the gal out of civilization (like she is now), but don’t take her too far from the amenities. I may enjoy many things about being the middle of the country, but I’m still a Glamper.
But back to your question, “Why the Easter Island heads?” And now you probably want to know about Stonehenge II in Texas. So many questions. Ok, here you go.
Stonehenge II was built by two guys, one with a lot of money, and the other with a lot of time on his hands. They built it for fun, to go in the first guy’s pasture. It’s nice to have money with which to build things like reproductions of Stonehenge on a whim.
After visiting Easter Island a short time later, the first guy added the Easter Island heads to his collection. I wonder what the animals in the pasture thought of all this.
Visit a Stonehenge near you! The above sculptures have since been moved from the private pasture to Hill Country Arts Foundation, 120 Point Theater Rd S., Ingram, Texas. In addition to the original Stonehenge in England, there are quite a few “Stonehenge” reproductions around the U.S.
Someone should do a Stonehenge replica, only use the little 2′ versions, like they did in Spinal Tap. They could probably set it up in an hour or two.
I think I’ll make one for the yard in front of my RV. Then I’ll put my cat in it, shoot photos from a close angle, and write a post called “Catzilla Attacks Stonehenge in Texas”.
I’m sure people will believe it.
Stonehenge? In Texas? I think my walls are warping…Either that, or my mind. Still, it’s probably as close as I’m ever gonna get to the real thing.
I think there are some “Stonehenges” nearer to you. Mind you, they may not *look* like the original. But, hey, it’s like you said. *A* Stonehenge is better than no Stonehenge.
But don’t make the mistake I did: Make sure you get a photo of yourself laying on the Slab of Sacrifice. I neglected to do this and now must go back. Goofy photos are a must whenever possible on trips to see Cheezy Americana.
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