
Random Things I Found Funny This Week — 4 Comments

  1. I still love that FB Anonymous 12 steps !!
    If you need help moving that filing cabinet let me know. 🙂

    • Thanks Todd! Coincidentally (or not 🙂 ) my father called today – he’s put the file cabinet together AND is bringing it over tonight! Yippee! Now I can get the papers I have all over off my desk and floor.

  2. You have got to work harder on your gifts’ list! Where’s the bling? What about the flowers (and of course, chocolates)?! Everyone deserves accolades and super gifts for facing their next birthday squarely in the eye!

    • M – LOL Yes, bling, flowers and chocolate! I actually have almost every piece of bling I want, with only a few exceptions. Flowers and chocolate are good everyday! No need to wait for my birthday 🙂