I Crashed the Castle in St George, Utah
Rising up out of the St. George, Utah, suburbs looms a large plateau. There is nothing on top of it: no trees, no other homes. Except for a castle. Creed’s Castle.
But, wait! There's more...Rising up out of the St. George, Utah, suburbs looms a large plateau. There is nothing on top of it: no trees, no other homes. Except for a castle. Creed’s Castle.
But, wait! There's more...I found Mollie’s Nipple on the way to Purgatory. I can only assume Mollie is walking around with one nipple. It’s a butte named “Mollie’s Nipple”. Makes you wonder if Mollie was a popular saloon gal back in the day. Or if she lost one in a bar fight. Have … But, wait! There’s more…
The zombie apocalypse beginneth, people. Be prepared. I knew I was getting closer to my destination when I started seeing zombies. You probably aren’t aware the apocalypse has started because the zombies are beginning the invasion in the middle of nowhere. You know how in apocalyptic movies they always show … But, wait! There’s more…
The Great RV Roll-About Begins… While continuing my efforts to pitch The Great RV Roll-About to anyone who might listen, I pumped the TV station’s film crew for info and tips. They said I should make some videos first, then pitch it to the TV station. Oh. Ok, I can … But, wait! There’s more…
It was touch and go for a while there. But two relatively minor sewer problems later, and one emergency trip to the vet, and I am officially on my way to San Diego. Holy Crap, y’all. What was I thinking taking my (not so) skinny butt on the road in … But, wait! There’s more…