I have the memory of a goldfish…
I have the memory of a goldfish… Once around the bowl and I think, “Oooh, that rock is new!”
This can be both good and bad.
(Current mood: Reflective, wistful.)
The Bad?, or Things I Don’t Remember…
I probably can’t tell you what I had for breakfast today without a great deal of thought. And even then I may not remember.
I often can’t remember the people I meet. I often can’t remember someone’s name SECONDS after I’ve met them. If I do manage to see them regularly at some place I frequent, but then I see them at some place I’ve never seen them before, I won’t recognize them because they’re out of context. I feel terribly embarrassed each and every time.
I don’t remember many, many things from my youth. I remember a few of the major troubles and a few of the friends. But I’ve also forgotten many of both. I wish it wasn’t this way, I want to remember all those people and times.
I usually forget most of the truly crappy things that have happened in my life. This is probably what keeps me relatively happy most of the time.
While forgetting crappy events sounds good on the surface — and it usually is, it can also be bad. Over time I may forget how truly shitty someone was to me and continue a friendship or relationship that should be long forgotten.
Sometimes I forget the really wonderful things that have happened in my life, or the really sweet gesture someone made that meant so much to me. Knowing this makes me feel sad.
The Good?, or Things I Do Remember…
I remember the day my sister Chickenbone was born. (I was two years and four months old.) I was wearing a striped purple shirt, and matching purple pants. My mom yelled something to my dad from the bathroom. I didn’t know what she was talking about, but I knew she was very anxious. So was my dad. Dad said he and I had to leave the house. (Both my sister and I were born at home.) My dad and I went for ice cream and then we took photos in one of those photo booths you used to see in malls. I don’t know where that photo strip is, but I hope I still have it somewhere.
I can tell you about the time I was about 7 years old, jumping rope, when my underwear fell down past my dress. Ah, what an awesome moment that was: Sear-sucker panties, a size too big, down around my knees as half the class was looking on. The laughter started immediately. This is one memory I could do without.
I remember only a little of my very few great loves, usually some of the kind gestures, and intense feelings. But they were very long ago. As I get older I wonder if I will or could ever feel that deeply about someone again. I’ve come close, but time or circumstances never seemed to give us the chance. I think it’s also harder when you’re both older, you’ve both been hurt, and have since become too cautious. Perhaps I’ve not forgotten as much of the hurt as I believe (see “The Bad” above). *sigh*
I remember plots, actors, and scene snippets from almost all sci-fi movies I’ve seen, but little if anything from any other kind of movie within a week after I’ve seen it. (Dr. Freud, please tell me what this means.)
It’s probably a good thing I’ve got this blog. Years from now I can read about my life as if it belonged to someone else because I will have forgotten much of it. Even now I occasionally come across a post I’d forgotten about, but not entirely – yet.
The good news is I’m probably not suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s as everyone in my immediate family has just as crappy a memory, and mine has been crappy my whole life. All the Ginko Biloba and other supplements haven’t made a noticeable difference, but I take them anyway.
That, my dear Kernutties, is the end of my reflection. I needed to write it down so when I read this blog years from now I will know it’s me I’m talking about.
My dear, you haven’t learned the tricks yet. When approached by a “stranger” who obviously knows you well, act surprised and delighted, squealing, “How are you?!” If you’re really caught off guard, feign bad vision. (“Oh, sorry. Don’t have my contacts/glasses.”) One recent disturbing experience of mine: Nephew described scene in a movie he’d viewed once. Didn’t register with me, although I must have seen that movie at least ten times. And as for the knickers around the ankles incident, something like that happened to me, too. Um, recently.
Ok, you need to get a blog so you can write about the knickers incident!! LOL
Ah, yes, the tricks. Here’s how well they work for me: I saw someone I recognized at a rare social function not too long ago. He said “Hi” just as I recognized him as “someone I knew”. I hugged him and said “Hi” back (I’m the kind who hugs hello when seeing someone I know, but…)
…He seemed a bit taken aback at the hug. My date gave him a questioning look. I wanted to introduce them, but couldn’t remember the guy’s name. We made a brief moment of small talk, and parted. I told my date I couldn’t remember the guy’s name. OH! Then it hit me! I knew him as a customer from the park – not someone I ever hugged! LOL
That, combined with the fact that he used to hit on me, and was now at this function (45 minutes away from the park) with his WIFE it’s no wonder he was surprised! Hahaha That’s what you get for hitting on a gal with a craptastic memory! Oddly, he hasn’t come back to the park since. *snicker*
Earlier, at the same event, my date — knowing just how crappy my memory is — tried ever so smoothly to introduce me to a couple I’d seen (but never actually met or conversed with) several times before. He said “And you remember Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so.” Me, ever quick to speak before thinking, said, “Umm, no.” The looks I get at moments like these are a fine, rolling combination of bewilderment, then surprise, finally ending in pity.
Hi, Kernut,
I occasionally drop in here to see how you are doing.
It sounds like you are living a wonderful life. I wish I could travel as you do, but it is not possible.
Once in a while I look over the crowd at St Timothy’s on a Sat. night to see if you are visiting us. It would be nice to talk with you some night about your travels.
I am making this post in regards to your comments above about memory problems. I suffer the same way. First, I remember very little about my past. I forget what I am saying in the middle of a sentence. I have enormous difficulty remembering simple words. (That is sometimes why I forget what I am saying in the middle of a sentence. Damn it, I know that word.) I almost always have to return to the house as I am leaving because I have forgotten something.
And for the problem of forgetting faces I have a name for that, it is Prosopagnosia. This is a disorder recognized by the medical community. If you would like to see more about it, check here: faceblind.org/links/index.html. I have learned to smile big and say something like “Hi, how are you doing?” And just wait for some clue based on what they have to say. And, yes, I have the context problem, also.
I forget a name in seconds and a face in perhaps an hour. It tends to be somewhat embarrassing to walk into a meeting and walk past someone who looks at you as if they are going to greet you and then get a surprised look on their face as I just walk by them. Only then does it occur to me I must have talked to them some time recently. Sometimes it comes back to me who they are and I go back to talk to them later with some lame excuse that I had to tell someone something important.
Fortunately, you have your picture on your blog, so whenever you do show up here in the Bay Area I will still recognize you.
Continue on with your wonderful life and keep the blog entries coming.
Love you, Be Good to Yourself,
Hello Dennis!
It’s great to hear from you! I am having a fabulous time! Even though the money stream isn’t as steady as I’d like, and I’m working more hours than a Lady of Leisure should ever have to (LOL!), I’m still loving every minute. The adventures are amazing!
Thank you for the info about memory problems. Yes, I’d heard there was a formal name/condition for not being able to remember faces, but – get this – I’d forgotten the name! LOL
I do miss you, and the whole fellowship, at St Tim’s! I was sorry to hear of Donna’s passing. I may be headed hat way around Thanksgiving, and hope to see you and the gang! I hope you can recognize me – I do look a bit different than my airbrushed photo 🙂
Love and hugs,