
Martin Sheen To My Rescue (conclusion) — 31 Comments

  1. Hate it that the nasty parts happened to you, but so glad for the good things that did. Thanks for sharing that.

    Don’t know if you meant it that way, but it does make a good holiday story. There’s bad, but there’s hope for people and the world too, maybe where you would least expect it.

    • Hi Darlin, thanks for stopping by!

      And thank you for the insight – I hadn’t looked at it that way. Actually, I hadn’t thought this much about that night in a long. I do feel there’s hope – and some nice people in the world. I probably would have a very different view had Martin not come to my rescue that night.

  2. So in a way, you ended up giving Martin Sheen YOUR autograph!

    I’m glad it had a happy, or at least non-tragic ending. And I have extra-big respect for President Bartlett… I mean, Martin Sheen.

    PS, you must have had the dimmest stalker ever. Agreeing to follow you to the police station?? He probably made a cell call on the way and his handlers were like, “YOU’RE GOING WHERE???”

    • LOL Yes, Martin did get my autograph – in the card. Not that he asked for it. Not long after that I wrote and asked for some photos of him for a charity auction. He sent a bunch of stuff. Very nice guy.

      Ya, still don’t get what the stalker/terrorizer’s end goal was. What would he have done if I hadn’t run into Martin Sheen? Was he just waiting for me to get out of my car so he could “deliver a message” from the handlers??

  3. I applied for and recieved my concealed pistol permit in 1994. The woman was one I had attended 6 months of management school with. Never spoke once. Never said hi. Absolutely no connection. Then a week before class ended…it started. Have kept my .357 mag loaded and hidden all these years. My permit expired and will be renewed in Jan. Stalkers are serious business….unless you want them to stalk you lol then they become spouses. 🙂

    • So scary! How weird she waited to the end of the class. Rare that they’re female. That’s the thing about stalkers – they’re so unpredictable. It’s hard to get a CCW permit in Cali – you need to be carrying cash or valuables for a job, or in some form of law enforcement.

  4. Pingback:Martin Sheen Saved My Life (For Reals), Part 2 - Kernut The Blond

    • He’s my fav, too. 🙂 His brother and Nathan Fillion are tied for second place. 😉
      I’m trying to recall all of my celebrity encounters – I guess this one is probably the most interesting.

  5. That is just awesome. It’s refreshing to hear that a celebrity has empathy and compassion and is a true gentleman.

    I am so, so sorry this happened to you (the stalker, not Martin) and I’m just glad you are here to tell us.

  6. damn girl! there are some scary shady people out there. well, everywhere i guess, but it upsets me that our kernut was one their victims.

    martin sheen is my new hero! way to get it done!

    • Thank you Darlin! The handlers are in the same area I am (they weren’t based in So Cal), it’s a bit creepy knowing they live and work nearby.

    • I highly recommend getting a gun and permit 🙂 My father taught us to shoot when I was little, and I sure feel a lot better knowing how to use a gun.

  7. Whoa, I’m so glad everything turned out right! Karma baby… On ur way to help others and someone “Mr. President” helps u! Some dangerous characters you’ve dealt with.
    Although the part “abandoned by family when I needed them most.” boils my blood!
    Take care and glad ur safe n sound… You need one of those bullet proof Hummers with run flat tires and a button that dumps nails and oil slicks on the ground then let em try to tail ya!

    • Thanks Jeff 🙂 Coincidentally, around this same time I used to drive Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Hummer from T2. You could inflate the tires from inside by the push of a button! It was only missing that “dumps nails and oil slicks” feature 🙂

        • Yeah, but the Arnold’s Hummer story is probably only about the length of a long comment. Other than being the hit at a party I drove it to, there’s not much to tell. Oh, it was a dog going up hills. It had a 350 Chevy engine – not nearly enough HP to pull that tank up a hill. But you could inflate the tires from inside – that was hella cool!

    • OMG! I felt like I was kind of in the boonies, but I can’t begin to imagine being the only two people on a back country road!

  8. I have heard three different regular citizen stories about Martin Sheen encounters where he was not only completely uncelebrity like, but went out of his way to be a spectacular person.

    I am so glad he was near when you needed him. Also glad you had the self control not to commence beating the fuck out of the man in his yard. Although, that probably would have scared off the stalker.

    • Martin Rocks! I’m grateful he was near, too.

      I was too afraid to get out of my car then, but I’m ready to kick yard-boy’s ass now. >:D

    • 🙂 You’re not the first to say that. That’s part of why I started this blog… You and about five others might buy the book, not sure if there are any more. I hear it’s easy to self-publish these days. But I still don’t know if anyone else would be all that interested.

  9. I am so happy that he saved your life!!!! And also happy to know that his act in The West Wing is his real personality shining through! I adore him in that show. Yes, I got reality and fantasy confused because I was all rooting for him to be POTUS. 🙂

  10. Charlie Sheen must have inherited his fathers charisma, that would be one explanation for the stable of goddesses.

    Where was Emilio? EMILIO!