
Ring my bell and warm my bed. — 11 Comments

  1. I think you should definitely donate your collection to a museum, provided they agree to house it in a special “Kernut Wing.” Or at least a “Kernut Cabinet.”

  2. Hey girl, what is cooking with the blog? For two days now I click to read the rest of the story and get cold fished.

    Your access to this service has been temporarily limited. Please try again in a few minutes. (HTTP response code 503)

    Reason: Exceeded the maximum global requests per minute for crawlers or humans.

    Important note for site admins: If you are the administrator of this website note that your access has been limited because you broke one of the Wordfence firewall rules. The reason you access was limited is: “Exceeded the maximum global requests per minute for crawlers or humans.”.

    • Oh no! I’m so sorry! I adjusted some hacker/spammer blocks recently. It’s been great for keeping out Russia and Pakistan. But apparently you have somehow met the excessive hits per minute requirement. ???

      I loosed the controls, so you shouldn’t see the message anymore.

      BUT please do let me know if you (or anyone else reading this) get the message again.

  3. Love this post! Truly amazing collections of bells and money. I have to put this museum on my to do list.

    • It was so fun, Jo! The two-headed goat and the shrunken heads are a bit creepy. If you don’t want to see them, just stay to the right of the entrance/reception desk. There is more to the museum than pictured in my few posts, but these are the things that caught my biased eye.

  4. Ah, good. Back on the air I see. Well then:

    You could donate your rv as an annex to house your massive collection of collections. You won’t be needing it. And you could arrange for the collection mobile to travel to different little museums as a traveling road show.