
Casa de Something For Everyone — 5 Comments

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  2. OMG, this reminded me of my last time in Cali, we went to Dana Point to take one of the whale watching tours…….ummm, yeah, no whales…we did see a mega pod of dolphins, which is fun for the first like, minute…after which you start to get all “yeah, there are still 500 dolphins surrounding us, can I get another beer, please?” but more importantly, the pix just reminded me how much I love it out there. *sigh* No whales or dolphins in KY.
    .-= Wicked Shawn´s last blog ..Open Letter To Rielle Hunter =-.

    • Wicked: I have to agree it is beautiful here; we are very spoiled. Next time you’re in Nor Cal, let me know if you want to go whale watching, err, I mean drinking. I never get tired of the ocean. I lived on the beach in Malibu for a few years and I was surprised to learn how different the ocean looks every day. Even though I’m only about 45 minutes away from it now, I still feel too far from the ocean. Time to get my beach house!

  3. That middle of nowhere place is about 20 minutes from my house. Hollister is a town of 43000, bigger than some bay area cities. But Casa de Fruta is on the outskirts of town.
    Beautiful out there this time of year.