Ten Things I’m Grateful For
There’s been enough ranting and sadness on this blog lately and it’s time to get back to the happy stuff. After the last couple weeks, I really need to refocus my attention on all the many wonderful things in my life.
For Ten Things Tuesday, and the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, here are ten things for which I’m grateful.
1. The fabulous thunder and lightening storm we had this past weekend. We don’t get too much of that in California. I used not to like big storms, but this one felt different. When sane people would’ve stayed indoors, I opted for a drive. I delighted, like a five year old, in the display of dark sky spontaneously lit by bolts of lightening. I wondered what happens if you’re struck by lightening while driving… Do you feel anything? Does the car stop working? I kind of wanted to find out.
(Ok, so I had to Google it for you all. Alright, it was for me. The answer, according to the National Lightening Safety Institute, is: It depends. Earth shattering, isn’t it? The takeaway: Don’t touch anything metal in the car during the storm. Bet you didn’t know there was a lightening safety institute, huh? Me either. We both just learned something new. Awesome.)
2. Which brings me to the next one: The Interwebs. How many of you remember having to look up something in the reference section of the library or Encyclopedia Britannica? (Only people of a “certain age” will get this.) Now, we have so much information at our fingertips! Want to know all about midget porn? Just Google it and BAM! Midget porn! And who doesn’t want midget porn at their fingertips?! Again, AWESOME.
3. I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again: That I’m on a planet with chocolate. Think about it – how many planets in this solar system or the next do you think have cows, and therefore chocolate?? That’s right – only this one. And I really need chocolate – every day. Eating cookies right now.
4. That I live in lovely, abundant, (mostly) sunny California – and close enough to drive to the coast any time. Soon, I will live at the beach again. If you have a beach house with internet, I’m a great roomie. I’m very quiet, and I come with a cat.
5. Of course I have to include my baby Checkers, the Kibble Wrangler. She’s been with me through thick and thin, and lived with me longer than any human (including parents). I’m grateful for all she’s given me in my life, and continues to give me. She’s still not out of the woods, but at the moment she’s eating again. I can’t imagine a life without her, but I have hope she will continue to live a long and happy life with me. I don’t own a pet, she owns a human.
6. The great service I get from GoDaddy and all their help with the hacker. I highly recommend them for hosting (this is an affiliate link): $1.99 Web Hosting . Affiliate or not, I really do think they’re awesome. Their customer service is the best. For that reason, we recommend them to any newbies in the blogging class.
7. Droid Apps. (Perhaps this should be posted under “addictions”.) Google Sky Map is fantastic! Have you seen it?? They may not have it for iPhone (sorry). This shows the constellations that are right in front of you! You hold it up in front of your face, and it shows you the night sky, complete with labeled constellations and planets!!! As if that wasn’t enough it has images of the coolest celestial clusters, galaxies, and planets – and it will locate them on the map! Want to see where the Whirlpool Galaxy is? How about the Eagle, or Cat’s Eye Nebulas? Go to the menu, choose Gallery, scroll through the dozen or so images to the object of your desire, and click “Find in sky”. Duuuude. I used to pay good money for this kind of “high” – and this is free.
8. Shoes. That’s right. I’m grateful for shoes. They keep feet warm and clean and safe. Shoes are good.
9. And clothes. Some people just shouldn’t be seen out of them. Naked. Walking around. I can hear some of you saying how much you’d like to see some folks naked. While you do have a valid point, just consider how few of those there might be in relation to the ones you wouldn’t want to see naked. Yup, now you’re grateful for clothes, too.
10. I’m grateful for all my wonderful friends, and their kind wishes for the better week. My family isn’t what you’d call “close”, and my friends (e-friends included) and their support means a great deal to me. More than you know. Thank you all for being part of my life.
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!
I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with lots of loved ones, friends, family and pets. May you have too much to eat and have plenty of leftovers!
I’m grateful for Spanx, or, as I refer to them, Dress Butter.
Nice! I want Spanx for Christmas. Or a spanking. Either one. Or both, actually. A spanking in Spanx sounds very festive.
Just Awesome!!! You go girl! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks for brighting my day! 😉
Thank you Jeff! And you’re most welcome, you brighten mine as well. 🙂
Heeey… You couldn’t look up midget porn in Encyclopedia Britannica!!
That’s why we had National Geographic.
…or so I was told.
LMAO! I forgot about how fun it was as a kid to sneak looks at the naked tribes people in NG. That was total porn! The boobs always looked so saggy it made me worry about ever going a day without wearing a bra.
Hell yeah for chocolate…and shoes! Not just the utilitarian shoes either, but the sparkly beautiful creations that make any night a living hell ’cause your feet are on fire from the pain. Well, I guess I’m not thankful for that. I take that one back.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sparkly, sexy shoes are good – painful, but good. I don’t take it back becasue it’s been too long since I’ve had the pleasure of going somewhere nice enough to warrant sexy, painful shoes.