
I’m a State-subsidized Cube-dweller — 7 Comments

    • Thank you for the comment Amy; It’s good to know I’m not alone.

      My off-key singing cube-mate is really the least of the issues with the place. I’d swear the sea of cubes seems much larger than the picture indicates, but that’s really probably just in my head 🙂 With only 40-ish employees, the place is pretty small so we all know each other. Too well, in my opinion.

      Working with so many different people as your husband must might be nicer – at least you would always have some NEW people to talk to! And they probably have a cafeteria and stuff. We have two vending machines.

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  2. – We are not alone! - Kernut's World

  3. I work in an engineering environment, and yes… spend 8 to 10 hours a day, in a 6X8 foot padded cell surrounded by other “Cube Dwellers.” “I see Cube Dwellers, and they don’t even know they’re Cube Dwellers.” I have an engineering student as an intern and the other day googled “Cube Dweller” to try to show him what his future held oncew obtaining that piece of paper… don’t think the are called “sheepskins” anymore, and low and behold, your blog came up. What a refreshing relief to know that I have found another Cube Dweller, that KNOWS she’s a Cube Dweller.

    I truly am not alone! I’ve added you to my blog side bar…
    This is really a great and entertaining read!


    Mick, A.K.A. NowhereMan

    • Mick – Welcome! Thanks for the blogroll addition 🙂 (I just checked out your blog and will do the same! I love the snipets. You don’t have an About page?)

      LOL That poor intern is in for a rude awakening. The were probably called sheepskins because they open the door to this cube-dwelling existence of “sheeple”. Tell him to get The 4-hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss and get out while the gettin’s good!

      And thank you for letting me know there are more out there like myself. *sigh* Will our cube-shaped incarceration ever end? That reminds me… I’m off to get earplugs to drown out my signing cube-mate.