
UPDATED: Woman vs. Machine x 2 — 11 Comments

  1. Send you good energy? I ought to send you a tarp and some duct tape.

    Hope you can perform the rescue… or at least show some leg and flag down some passing geeks… make them fix it for you.

    • Rats! That reminds me, I left the tarp in my friend’s car.

      HAHA! Well, I do have some techie geek friends in Silicon Valley. One is currently retrieving the data as I write this. He’s a saint – it’s going to take more than 24 hours just to get the data to a safe place, before he attempts resurrection of the (not failing?) drive.

      Short skirt is ready and waiting.

  2. Helloooooooooo, your way to funnyyyyyyyyyy, wish i could of spent more time with you, but atlas, maybe in the future, in the meantime only in my head, and who knows where that goes. LOL. o.k. hope to ooommmmm with ya later. take care, God Bless.

    • Thanks, Darlin’! I miss you and the rest of the gang already! Got your email, and replied. Hugs and blessings to you! Hope to see you soon! 🙂

  3. You oooommmmmed yourself right into a finished article…awesome! Which you are, of course. I am a firm believer in duct tape for all (those windows especially) but might have to draw the line with duck tape and a laptop…so glad you have great friends

    • My friend Mark R posted on Facebook yesterday that we were suffering from ‘Technology Exhaustion”. An excellent term. At this point I’m ready for some down time parked at a beach.