Zombie Attack Plan – Got One?
Serious studies have been undertaken by scientists on the likelihood of civilization’s survival in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse.
I’m not making this up, people. Several scientific (?) groups have undertaken Zombology, the study of zombies, postulating the outcome of a zombie attack, and general zombie-preparedness. Finally, your tax dollars at work for something useful. Be proud your government cares so much for your survival they conducted zombie-attack scenarios on your behalf.
The studies agree zombies will be smarter, just like in the movies. Fifty years ago zombies were slow and not too bright, but now they’re quick, and resourceful tool users. Unfortunately, the studies don’t all agree on our survival: Some say civilization as we know it will survive, while others say we will all become zombies or die. This is not helpful.
A very conscientious friend sent me this Zombie Bite Calculator. He’s obviously concerned about the impending Zombie Apocalypse.
After a few quick questions, it calculated the length of time I’ll live after incurring a zombie bite before becoming infected. I’ll have an estimated 65 minutes. This is very useful information.
Now all I need is a “I’ve got 65 minutes to live” plan.
So I began to search Zombie Attack Survival Plans, of course. I found this quiz: Would You Survive A Zombie Attack?
My test results:
Would you survive a zombie attack?You live!
You lived! |
Excellent. Arnold will be there, too.
One possible outcome the studies seemed to have overlooked is the obvious likelihood we domesticate zombies like they do in Fido, the world’s funniest – and most realistic – zombie movie. Domesticated zombies become household servants. This is the outcome we want, people. I need some household help, the laundry isn’t doing itself.
But what are we supposed to do if an asteroid strikes the planet? I realize it’s not as likely as a Zombie Apocalypse, but are they at least looking in to study that?
UPDATE: My readers are awesome. And apparently quite resourceful and zombie conscious. Patia provided this link to Zombie Tools. They’re made in Missoula, Montana. This begs the question – what do they know in Missoula that we don’t? And Mike sent this: Zombie Squad. It seems there are quite a lot of us concerned about the Zombie Apocalypse. There’s even an annual convention, Zombie Con. Great. Now I feel totally unprepared, y’all.
You need Zombie Tools. Made in Missoula.
Awesome! But I’ve got to wonder what’s going on in Missoula that they’re making zombie weapons? Is there something we should know?
NOTHING is going on in Missoula, hence the time to make Zombie tools. 😉
LOL I take it you’ve been to/through Missoula? I kind of want to order one of the knives/swords just for the novelty.
Remember it all started again with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tavgsgh905I&feature=related
I love the Resident Evil series. I’m a huge fan of (most) sci-fi movies. Fido a truly fabulous zombie flick – very original. As was Shaun of The Dead. There was one particular “big bug invasion” movie that had a terrific ending. I can’t remember the name, but it starred William Shatner. In the end, the tarantulas won. Gotta love it when the bugs win in the end. They rarely do.
Shit, I have a hard enough time getting my kids ready for school!
I think kids are harder to handle than zombies. You’d probably be great with the zombies.
you must see zombieland with woody harrelson if you haven’t. fucking epic zombie movie. “double tap”
Great movie. The “double tap” seems to be the preferred method for kicking zombie ass…. a few people mentioned it on my FB.
I will be the first to die. Srly. I won’t even take the quiz. sigh. Shaun of the Dead is my fav. It just seems a lot more realistic to me. LOL
I agree – Shaun of The Dead does seem more realistic. I’d like to think we domesticate them as in Fido. I really want a pet/slave zombie. (Oh, and I probably cheated on that test.)
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