Spam, It’s Not Just For Dinner Anymore
When it comes to spam, I don’t get the awesome letters The Bloggess and Mental Poo are lucky enough to receive. As they’re seasoned bloggers, the spammers know to send them their best “A game” letters.
The spammers save their “B game” for bloggers like me. Great.
In a desire to imitate those I love reply in kind to my spammers, for some time now I’ve been tempted to “approve” spammed comments just so I could respond to their clueless remarks for all my readers to see. (Other bloggers will get this. My apologies to those of you who don’t get it. Or blog.)
The only thing that’s stopped me is not wanting to somehow legitimize (as if this blog could legitimize anything) their URL, login ID, or IP address, the many ways the spam blocker software expertly identifies these spammers.
But, lucky for you, I’ve come up with a way around all that.
With some very basic cut and paste sophisticated software skills, I compiled a list of some of the more interesting comments. (My replies are in red.)
Can’t you just feel the love? I know I can.
LOL. How do you know the one about the finger foods is Spam? Very convincing spam. They definitely have come a long way!
It is rather convincing, isn’t it? So far, I’ve found Askimet to be about 99.9% accurate as a spam catcher. I read through most, just to be sure, but it’s rare they get it wrong. If I’m not sure, I go to the URL the spammer provided. That is the easiest way to know. Plus, their names (often something spammy), usually don’t even match their email addy.
Dang, I sure feel like getting down with some spam… Askimet is what I use as well and it’s the best thing ever! Thankfully I don’t have to deal with Viagra sales
LOL! I have a few “barred” words in Askimet, and viagra is one. It held your comment in “Pending” status because you said viagra! Askimet is awesome, and occasionally a bit too vigilant. But I’d rather have that than the alternative. 🙂
I’d love to see what spam other bloggers get. You should do a post!
i pretty much loved the frog joke. wish my spammers would tickle my funny bone.
Yeah, the joke was kinda cute. I also liked the ‘do you like rims?’ comment. I plan to do more spam posts because I just really need to comment back to them sometimes. How could I let that ‘rims’ question just go unanswered? I mean, really?
Awesome Zombie Reference with the finger foods…And the picture of SPAM made me want to have unrecognizable meat for dinner…double Yeah!
After reading this post, my friend mentioned she wanted fried spam. There is something mighty tasty about fried spam. Fried fingers? I’m not sure about, but the zombies would probably love ’em.