Greeting Cards for The Zombie Apocalypse
I’m sure by now you’ve all heard of the impending Zombie Apocalypse.
No? Please catch up – if not for your sake, then for the sake of others. This is no time to be selfish.
Governments have even done studies on the (un) likelihood civilization as we know it will survive a zombie attack. Our (usually none-too-bright) Government knows the Zombie Apocalypse is coming.
We sure can’t trust THEM to protect us, people. It’s the Government y’all – they’ll probably be the ones who CREATE the zombies.
An earlier post, Zombie attack Plan – Got One?, includes quizzes you can take on the likelihood of surviving a Zombie Attack. (Go ahead and take the quizzes, we’ll wait.)
If you don’t do well on the quizzes, don’t worry – these guys can help: A local martial arts company is now offering Zombie Defense Classes. (No, they’re not paying me. In fact, they don’t even know I’m writing this. When they find out, I hope they like the post because, really, they could kick my ass if they don’t. They kick ass for a living, people.)
Their tag line? “Close Combat Techniques… because you WILL run out of ammo.”
Seriously, they’re right. You will.
They ask us ‘When the dead rise, will you be able to dispatch them with a simple smile on your face and a witty comeback on your lips?’
I think not.
These guys are really smart – they’re thinking ahead. They’re thinking OUTSIDE of the Zombie box, people. We need to do the same or we’re going to be left behind.
That’s when I came up with the idea for Zombie Apocalypse Greeting Cards
How awesome is that for you? Totally.
I know, I know, they’re just what you’ve always wanted. You’re welcome.
These are just a few samples of my “Zombie Life is good” work. Hallmark – feel free to contact me. I’ll be waiting by the phone. For reals.
T-shirts, mugs, greeting cards, etc. coming soon at* . (Some designs up now, including “We’re in an Obamanation t-shirts, etc.) And the drawings are better. A little.) Halloween is coming and you’ll want some of these. Probably. Maybe.
thank you your writing style is amazing. just found your site on yahoo. come back later for sure 🙂
Thanks! Glad you like it!
these are way too cool for hallmark!
Thanks Patty 🙂 I’m having a great time making new stuff. My drawing skills are improving, too. hahaha Not hard to do as they had a loooong way to go!
Too cute!!!
Thank you Wicked One! Coming up with new designs is a lot of fun. Now I just need to sell something! Actually, about 250 items a day should do it. ahahaaaa *fingers crossed*
LOL. Great idea!
I cannot believe the class is real. Brilliant marketing mind. So are you going to attend??!! You should go “undercover” and write a post!
I’d love to go, but probably won’t. I keep taking on more projects and am just swamped right now. But those guys seem like a fun bunch!
I’m always amazed at how Zombies have a mass market. Survival guides, classes and even romance guides. It’s good that these areas are being branched out into 😉
And now greeting cards! I’m also amazed at the amount of zombie products available… we seem to be just about ready for the apocalypse! 🙂
muahahah brilliant.
Thank you 🙂 And thanks for visiting my crazy world!