
The Matches Couldn’t Start A Fire With Gasoline and A Lighter — 16 Comments

  1. Holy hell girl! We really do suck, huh.
    Ya know, I did a pretty extensive run through Match almost a decade ago and had variably similar experiences. Though I went into it purely as a science experiment. I went on dates just to meet people I wouldnt normally come across. I walked away with no specific intention of a date number 2 unless I actually felt compelled by the person across the table. I spent my time with the person paying attention to what my feelings about them told me about *me*. It made it a lot funner, and since, of habit, we tend to be outwardly focused on what will make us happy, it put a very enlightening spin on the adventures.
    Turns out there’s some real kooky people out there. So much so that I remember driving to work thinking, “Man, 4 outta 5 of the inhabitants of these cars are leading dull, strangely disconnected lives.” But I also made a few friends that I still know today, and a couple of Grade A romances that ended up enriching me in ways had I not jumped out of my comfort zone and taken the risk. Hang in there my friend! And do it backwards!

    • ‘Man, 4 outta 5 of the inhabitants of these cars are leading dull, strangely disconnected lives.’ LOL So true! hahaha

      I’m at the point where I’m just waiting for my subscription to end in a couple weeks. The experience has left me somewhat leary of dating in general. I’m just tired of the games.

  2. Those were all better than the gal with multiple personality disorder. Granted i’m not perfect, but having all those men and women under one roof reminded me of being in a crowded campground on the 4th of july. Plus 3 or 4 of them wanted to get married the first two weeks…doh…. I thinky you fared well by not suffering any permanent emotional damage. The run is important. Makes you certain when the right one comes along.

    • I’m not sure some of these guys don’t have MPD. Hiker Guy seems to for sure. I suspect the guy I’m meeting tonight might, too.

      LOL I’m not sure I haven’t suffered any permanent damage from the experience.

  3. My history with match is that I’m on for a while, meet some interesting guys, date one of them for a bit, but in general get burned out on the whole experience. After a rest, I try again! But I really try hard to weed out the crazies before agreeing to meet, so that mostly the bad dates are just boring. No one with a “clearly I’m compensating” car, Thank God.

    • Yup, I’m at the burned out stage. Bravo to you for trying again! I’ve met some nice guys who weren’t a match, but met more oddballs. I used to have a longer weeding-out process, but thought maybe I was being too picky. Either way, the results are pretty much the same. I think I’d rather just be single.

  4. I’ve said it before, but hang in there! Now you can probably see why so many women play for the “other team” , so to speak!

    • I don’t know if I have the mental stamina to keep going. I do have a date tonight with someone new, but I’m probably not in the right mind set. I’m feeling jaded, like I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

      The “other team” is looking pretty good about now.

    • Kitty has toys. 😉 She would like a live playmate, but I’m not sure I can deal with any more of the BS. *sigh*

      But a hot guy with a motorhome? I might seriously reconsider.

  5. Hey,
    Wow, I’m shocked at these guys. I know I’ve missed some episodes but how did Biker Guy get a second date with you?
    He must be hot, because he sounds like a loser. No offense of course.
    One idea that might be interesting. Do you think you’re attracting the wrong guys because of your match description. It would be fun to have your blog followers take a look at your profile and give you suggestions. Might be an interesting study. Or I could just shut the F up!
    Good luck and take care.

    • Biker Guy #1 got a second date because date #1 went well, but then he got weird on date #2. Zen Biker Guy got a second date because I thought I’d give him a second chance to make a better first impression. My bad. No, actually he wasn’t all that hot. We had a lot in common on the meditation stuff. That’s kind of high on my list.

      I did post the profile here where I started. I got positive feedback. It’s kind of long so I think many don’t read all of it. I ask them specific questions, but thought it might be rude to see a photo of their car so I can profile them. One told me (may have been Zen Biker Guy) that some gal asked what kind of car they had. He was shocked, but probably had the wrong impression.

  6. If I ever find myself back on the dating sites, I’m going to remember your experience and never agree to the first proposed meeting. Anybody who doesn’t respond to an alternate suggestion isn’t interested enough or otherwise worth the effort of meeting at all.

    • That’s a good rule of thumb. I’ve also seen it at the second date. I chalk it up to they’re just not that interested in getting to know someone without getting laid at the same time.