
A Death in Slab City — 22 Comments

    • Yes, rather. I’ve since learned a great deal about what has been in the hot springs here, and wouldn’t go in again – with or without a death having occurred there.

  1. Holy cats batman…did your trip just take a sinister turn or shoot straight into a twilight zone episode? Either way…get out…run…don’t look back. And, yes, you have killed my warms springs plan for next month! You do seek adventure but really…mini condoms, pandora’s box…and this?! I am so excited to see what happens next!

    • I’m going to choose Twilight Zone episode. You asked ‘What’s next?’ There’s a naked man in an upcoming post because, well, I want to keep you all entertained.

      I could use a little less excitement about now in a nice, mellow RV park with old people who like to sit around campfires and are in bed by 9pm. Yup. I also miss Starbucks and pizza and civilization in general. Although, I will come back here again. There are a lot of really good people in Slab City.

  2. Pingback:around my grave | click clack gorilla

    • If I knew then what I know now I wouldn’t have gone in at all. Today a small group of us is heading for a professional hot springs at a regular park. The water looks clear as pool water in the photos. Can’t wait to get there.

  3. It has come to our attention you have slandered one of our own. Nice pic, we will find you.

    • Hmm, it seems reading comprehension may not be your strong point. If anyone here is slandered it is the deputies, and I doubt they would be reckless enough to post a threat on the internet. Kat posted all over Facebook about Karl’s drug use, and that was apparently no secret. So unless you are the suspected murder, or defending him, it would appear you have misread the post.

    • To any of my followers interested in the whereabouts of the above threat, it came from IP and the email address used is This is apparently an IP in or near Perkasie, Pennsylvania, Karl’s home state. Someone using the name “Kirk” posted from the same IP on September 13, 2011 on a website selling GE refrigerator water filters.

      The following is the information on the IP address.
      General IP Information
      Decimal: 1813041563
      ISP: Verizon Internet Services
      Organization: Verizon Internet Services
      Services: None detected
      Type: Broadband
      Assignment: Static IP
      Geolocation Information
      Country: United States us flag
      State/Region: Pennsylvania
      City: Perkasie
      Latitude: 40.3979
      Longitude: -75.232
      Area Code: 215
      Postal Code: 18944

      I have notified Verizon of the abuse.

  4. Karl was the oldest of my cousin, Karl Sr.’s, children. I just found out about this today and I am devastated for my cousin, his wife and their children. It is entirely senseless and I would implore anyone reading this blog that knows anything about it to please contact me. I am in San Diego and had no idea he was out this way, though I’m not sure anyone else in the family knew either. His parents are the best kind of people in the world, I can’t imagine Karl Jr. was much different, despite that he was obviously in a bad way at this point in his life. My email is Foul play was ruled out, I’m told. A horrible tragedy indeed.

    • My condolences on the loss of your second cousin. I’m glad to hear there was no foul play. I can only imagine how that might have added to your family’s pain.

      What I’ve been told is he was a really nice guy, and liked by most in Slab City. He’d been there at least once before, last year. Even though he was, as you said, in a bad way, what I’ve been told is he was the victim in the altercations and not the aggressor.

      I didn’t know him personally, but a friend of mine did. I’ll ask him if he’s willing to contacting you, but a phone number might be easier, as internet connections can be scarce in Slab City. Considering the above threat made against me from a friend or relative of Karl’s in Pennsylvania, I can’t help but note you used two different email addresses – one for posting the comment, and another inside the comment. Normally I wouldn’t think much of this, but I’m sure you can understand how it might appear under the circumstances. I’ve located a phone number associated with your information, and will pass that on to my friend, if that’s alright with you. Please let me know.

  5. This is not the first death in the hot springs. this is the 3rd this year. it is not uncommon for someone who has been drinking to go in there and slip under. So dont think this is the first or the last. Stuff like this happenes everyday, everywhere.

    • Who were the other two this past year. I live here year-round and I don’t remember any others this year. A little over a year ago there was one drowning. And one the year before that. I would be interest in knowing who the other 2 were this year.

  6. He was my closest friend. To hear his death so casually talked about on here breaks my heart even more. He is not a part of a “Petri dish”. He was everything a brother should be. He will be forever missed. And I hope those that hurt him come to justice.

    • I’m sorry for your loss. My experience with seeing dead bodies include family, friends, and strangers. When you see one you immediately realize the soul you knew isn’t in the shell anymore. Karl’s soul isn’t in that body, but I have no doubt he’s still around.

      I hate to break it to you, but even live humans are walking “Petri dishes”, as you put it. My reference was to the condition of the water, not Karl personally. Dead bodies or not, if I knew then what I know now, I would not have gone in the water before his death. In a county that had a suspected outbreak of cholera at the time I find it rather disconcerting the deputies did nothing to seal off the area until the water was tested.

  7. maybe i was thinking of the other 2 from years before cookie. my main point was he wasnt the first one to die in the springs.

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